Wouldn't Hawai'i in March feel Divine?! Find out how to get there!
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In my career I was a  Human Resources Executive at large healthcare companies in the Chicago area for over 20 years.   

When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007, I was looking for healing without drugs, radiation, or chemotherapy.  I found it through Shamanic Healing. 

I began studying with Shamans, Wisdom Keepers and Teachers in 2008 to learn more and experience this beautiful spiritual practice as a way to heal myself and others.  It has changed my life.

Everyday I am humbled by the power of nature, the animals and the Universe.  Living in reverence with Mother Earth and all her infinite wisdom has allowed me to navigate many difficulties and challenges and find deep peace within.

I believe that if anyone is drawn to the Shamanic way they have known that life before and it is not a case of learning, but a re-membering.

You, too, can heal and live a harmonious life.  Shamanism is deep work.  Let it transform you and will discover your path is as rich and beautiful as a tapestry.